Well this month is December the very last month of 2015 OMG!! and last week Friday Was Christmas Eve. What me and My whanau do for Xmas. We went down To Hawks Bay To Waitotara To have Christmas On Christmas day My whanau was spending our time down in Waitotara with Justin's-Step Dad whanau.

"We Also Had a MEAN AS FEED!! MEAN Feed" we had Hangi(under ground cook food) On It Was SOO! delicious, All the Whanau had a big feed and for dessert we had Pavlova, there was also another tasty dessert called the Eton Mess and other dessert's (forgot the names of the desserts). They So nice My Mouth was watery, I just couldn't wait to put it in my mouth.
After we had a satisfying, delicious, (Maori Style) Hangi and the most joyable fabulous desserts. Once our stomach had calm down from the Mean feed. Me and My Tamariki-(Mum, Step Dad, and Kids) went down to the beach to have a little swim to cool down The rest of the Whanau stayed home. What me and my siblings got for Christmas was a Xbox 360 that we all have to share I mean that ok with me so Yeah!!.
"I really have Enjoyed this Year so much It had been really pleasing and achievable I can't wait for next year WOW!!".
Thanks for reading my blog post and for visiting hope you visit next time comment down below if you would like to know more about my christmas hoilday tena koutou tena koutou tena ra tatou katoa.
P.S Please don't be hating on me thanks please be humble and kind please write me positive comments If you will then xx thanks again for visiting
After we had a satisfying, delicious, (Maori Style) Hangi and the most joyable fabulous desserts. Once our stomach had calm down from the Mean feed. Me and My Tamariki-(Mum, Step Dad, and Kids) went down to the beach to have a little swim to cool down The rest of the Whanau stayed home. What me and my siblings got for Christmas was a Xbox 360 that we all have to share I mean that ok with me so Yeah!!.
"I really have Enjoyed this Year so much It had been really pleasing and achievable I can't wait for next year WOW!!".
Thanks for reading my blog post and for visiting hope you visit next time comment down below if you would like to know more about my christmas hoilday tena koutou tena koutou tena ra tatou katoa.
P.S Please don't be hating on me thanks please be humble and kind please write me positive comments If you will then xx thanks again for visiting
Kia ora Tyli!
ReplyDeleteKo Mark taku ingoa, I'm a teacher working on the Summer Learning Journey you signed up for at the end of school! I was just checking out peoples blogs and came across this awesome Christmas story! Sound like you has a mean feed! My family also had a massive feed with lots of food, and luckily this year my sisters husband wasn't a hungus and ate half of it like last year.
I can't see why anyone would hate on such an awesome holiday. Can't believe you got an xbox 360! So cool! I have one of those!
Anyway, I know you haven't started your summer learning journey yet, but it's pretty cool and I'm seeing a lot of students really enjoying finding out about other countries, so I hope you join in soon. I have traveled a bit so I've got lots of cool little stories to share along the way, like that time I woke up with a lizard in my bed, or the time I called an old lady "honey" by accident while ordering food in Korea.
I hope you keep having an awesome holiday and to see more of your stuff on here soon!
Kia kaha,