
Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Explanation: How to prevent yourself from getting sick

Intro - Winter is here, with winter comes sickness. Being sick is one of the worst ways of having a bad day. It is very Important that we look after Ourselves and where we put our hands. Below are a few ways to prevent yourself from getting sick.

P 1- One of the easiest ways of staying healthy is eating a balanced range of food. This means eating from the 5 food groups with a focus on fruits and vegetables. If you do that then your body will receive all the nutrients it needs to be in the best condition to fight off invading germs.

P 2 -Group one One of the best ways to prevent yourself from getting sick is not sharing your food or drinks.This means “do not make any contact with food or drinks, because you are spreading your germs to other people that now have your sickness. If you do this then you will stop your friends and family from getting sick by Not sharing any of your food or drinks and you won’t get sick that will stop the germs from spreading.

P 3 - Another way to prevent yourself from getting sick is to avoid shaking a sick person hand. This means  To avoid making any contact by not shaking hands with sick people, because they since and cough on and in their hands, preventing others to get sick by sharing their sickness to each other. If you do this then you will stay healthy and wouldn't have to worry about getting sick.

Conclusion These are some ways To Prevent yourself from getting sick. If you do this then you wouldn't have to get stressed out about getting sick It's a good way to stay healthy.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Talking Points Reflection

Welcome Blogger's and this is my Talking points reflection, This Is about actively speaking & listening we get in groups and listen to whoever is speaking.
By Tyli

Friday, 4 September 2015

My $20 And $200 Tala

Welcome bloggers to My Blog post, This is my movie animation I made earlier, IT Is Could My $20 and $200 Tala, hope you enjoyed,  Please subscribe and hope you to visit again.
By Tyli